
Monday Mar 04, 2019
2018 JoeCustoms Awards
Monday Mar 04, 2019
Monday Mar 04, 2019
joemiachels70 and pluv are your hosts for the 2018 JoeCustoms Awards. You can view the listing with pics of the winners here - http://www.joecustoms.com/features/jcas/jcas.php?y=2018

Friday Dec 28, 2018
JC After Dark Pilot Episode - UNCENSORED
Friday Dec 28, 2018
Friday Dec 28, 2018
Hosts (mostly):
Jeff aka JoeMichaels70
Dennis aka drbindy
Matt aka HypnoHustler
Dan aka DanOfTheDead
Mike aka JoeCzar
Bucky as himself
With special appearances from nova, Mr. and Mrs. Dream, notpicard, and anyone else in the Hyatt lobby that night.
Show notes with pics here - http://www.joecustoms.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=114&t=46976

Friday Jun 29, 2018
JoeCon 2018: Wish You Were Here
Friday Jun 29, 2018
Friday Jun 29, 2018
JoeCon 2018: Wish You Were Here
Aaron aka Bucky
Jeff aka JoeMichaels70
John aka pluv
Matt aka HypnoHustler
Mike aka JoeCzar
Way too many pics and show notes here - http://www.joecustoms.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=114&t=46684
Thanks to everyone who made the show possible and the weekend extraordinary.

Tuesday Mar 27, 2018
Assembly Required 2017
Tuesday Mar 27, 2018
Tuesday Mar 27, 2018
From Novemeber 2017 our post Codename: Iowa's Assembly Required show
John aka pluv
Matt aka HypnoHustler
Aaron aka bucky
and Jeff aka JoeMichaels70
All pics and info from the show can be found here - http://www.joecustoms.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=46183

Wednesday Mar 07, 2018
2017 JoeCustoms Awards
Wednesday Mar 07, 2018
Wednesday Mar 07, 2018
pluv aka John
Dennis aka drbindy
Jeff aka JoeMichaels70
JoeCustoms Awards categories and links with pics can be found here - http://www.joecustoms.com/features/jcas/jcas.php?y=2017

Wednesday Nov 29, 2017
Episode 27: Another Round for the Table
Wednesday Nov 29, 2017
Wednesday Nov 29, 2017
Episode 27: Another Round for the Table
Despite Cobra's best efforts to totally jam this April 2017 transmission, it was saved due to the perseverance and diligence of the JC podcast team for you adoring fans, all 13 of you. Fair warning, the sound quality is not good.
pluv aka John
The Spectre aka Dan
bucky aka Aaron
HypnoHustler aka Matt
drbindy aka Dennis
joemichaels70 aka Jeff
Marauder Valkyries store link - https://www.marauderinc.com/category-s/2059.htm
Pic of Matt's pouches character Marvel's Cardiac - https://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/0/5586/486199-c1.jpg
2017 GI Jo Con Force of Battle set - http://www.gijoecon.com/wdw2017/con17sets.cfm
pluv's Marvin the Martian - http://www.joecustoms.com/customs/customs_specific_item.php?kind=figure&id=17274
Vanishing Point's Road to Custom Celebration XII - http://www.joecustoms.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=45666
Group Project - Ripped Straight from the... - http://www.joecustoms.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=46152
Indrox sub diorama - http://www.joecustoms.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=45728
Pugsley Falcon - http://www.joecustoms.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=45741
and Duke - http://www.joecustoms.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=45747
Mark M Diaclone customs: Shipwreck- http://www.joecustoms.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=45763
Rock n Roll - http://www.joecustoms.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=45740
Dr Strange Dialcone Customs - http://www.joecustoms.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=539056#p539056
BossFight Blind Bags and Mini Kits - https://boss-fight-studio-the-store.myshopify.com/collections/mini-kit-blind-bags
jm70 castle diorama - http://www.joecustoms.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=30294&p=532044
and http://www.joecustoms.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=520507#p520507
JoeCustoms Traveling Display Auctions - http://www.joecustoms.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=539479#p539479
Super Joe Cart Group Project - http://www.joecustoms.com/projects/projects.php?p=superjoecart
FullForce podcast - https://thefullforce.podbean.com/

Monday Jul 10, 2017
JoeDeclassified Archives: Episode 5 Unproduced ARBCO Play Set and more!!!!
Monday Jul 10, 2017
Monday Jul 10, 2017
145 minutes · Originally Aired Apr 15, 2012
Episode Info
Well that was interesting. Just days after recording this episode, Retaliation toys ambushed collectors on the shelves at retail. And since we can’t always be right, it seems a couple of our predictions on this episode fell short. But at the very least you can hear the (what we think are) reasonable-reason-ings behind our theories in regards to a few of the Retaliation figures that were released into the wild unexpectedly. That being said, clocking in at over two hours and armed with a mighty 100-plus images… I’m sure we’ve got something besides rabbits and felled predictions in our hats as we conjure up: - an unproduced ARBCO play set! - an unproduced version of General Hawk! - confirm the answer to the mostly-unanswered 25 year old mystery of Low-Light's leg! - - and we use our crystal ball to peer into where the past meets the future as we bring you in-hand images of the unreleased 30th Anniversary Night-Viper and Crimson Guard who are slated for resurrection in Wave 5 of Retaliation! Speaking of crystal balls...we take in a stray as renowned GI JOE customizer and Crystal Ball hoarder, Brian "nova" Kauffman, not only joins us as a guest host, but agrees to come on full-time as a regular, resident host on the podcast! This episode is split up into two teams. It's basically two recordings combined. Also, due to the nature of the Low-Light revelation, we felt it appropriate to post the image confirming the answer to the often-speculated 25 year old mystery on YoJoe.com. Here is a link to the image and the thread: http://forums.yojoe.com/pre-production-gi-joe-items/87279-low-light-color-study-jdso.html The ARBCO, Hawk, Retaliation, Night-Viper and Crimson Guard images can be found here or click the links on the sidebar: http://www.joedeclassified.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=487&sid=5032f1ceab82742b39421f62e7363c65 Welcome to the Hidden World of GI JOE... Welcome to Joe Declassified: SPEC-OPS.
Hosts for Episode 5: Gary Head (Gyre-Viper), Chris Murray (TOPSON), Tim Dzieciatkowsi (Tolan), Jay Hunger (Smokescreen), Gary Godsoe (cmderinchief), Mike Irizzary (Beachhead), Josh Carlson (Roshan), Jared Bunnell (Jaimanstone), Phil Donnelly (PjDonnell), Pat Stewart (notpicard). Intro/Outro voice: Moira Hunger (aka Mo Order) Intro/Outro song: Jade "Lazertag" (Lifted Recordings). Used with permission. Very special thanks to Jade for allowing me use of this song for the podcast.

Monday Jul 10, 2017
JoeDeclassified Archives: Episode 4 NANO-B.A.T. vs IRON KLAW
Monday Jul 10, 2017
Monday Jul 10, 2017
65 minutes · Originally Aired Mar 15, 2012
Episode Info
Show notes: http://www.joedeclassified.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=466&sid=5032f1ceab82742b39421f62e7363c65
Over the past 3 years, Patrick Stewart (aka notpicard) and Gary Head (aka Gyre-Viper) have discovered or simply brought to light, through their in-hand reviews, a lot of canceled and unreleased concepts from the “modern era”/”swivel-chest” GI JOE lines: the canceled Target sets (RECONDO w/ WHIRLWIND; CHUCKLES w/ SILVER MIRAGE etc), TIGER-FORCE ROADBLOCK, the PYTHON PATROL TROOPER and TELE-VIPER (before they were released later by the GJCC), DESERT SCORPION w/ COBRA MINOTAUR and more. But of all the things they’ve managed to get their hands on over the past couple of years, two unreleased concepts specifically have really captured the attention of the GI JOE collecting community: the mysterious NANO-B.A.T. and the elusive IRON KLAW. NANO-B.A.T. went public at JoeCon 2010 and then hit the internet just days later. It quickly became one of the most controversial, debated, hypothesized, abhorred, embraced, loathed, and desired unreleased figures of the “modern”/”swivel-chest” era. At the time, no one had ever even heard of NANO-B.A.T. Not even Patrick Stewart who discovered the figure. Almost 2 years after the discovery of NANO-B.A.T., the GJCC have plans to release a version of NANO-B.A.T. through their Figure Subscription Service (FSS). It should be noted that the NANO-B.A.T.(s) Pat (notpicard) found was a preproduction sample. Not entirely representative of what the final NANO-B.A.T. would have been at retail had it been released, nor how it is planned to be released through the GJCC FSS. IRON KLAW photos hit the internet in 2009. Rumors/listings of an “IRON KLAW TROOPER” had been floating about for some time, but it wasn’t until Gyre-Viper managed to find one, that anyone really had any idea of what it was, or what it would have looked like. But this was an unpainted test-shot. It only gave the community a very basic idea of what the IRON KLAW would have been had it been released. Almost 3 years after the IRON KLAW test-shot discovery, the GJCC has plans to release a version of IRON KLAW through the same Figure Subscription Service that is boasting NANO-B.A.T. amongst its 13 figure offering. That should be the end of the story, right? All is said and done? Patrick “notpicard” Stewart proves otherwise as he provides the podcast and you the listener/viewer with images of things most people have never seen before: IN-HAND images of the fully painted canceled IRON KLAW figure (NOT the GIJCC version).

Monday Jul 10, 2017
JoeDeclassified Archives: Episode 3 Jim Sorenson
Monday Jul 10, 2017
Monday Jul 10, 2017
68 minutes · Originally Aired Mar 7, 2012
Episode Info
Ep3: JIM SORENSON "GI JOE FIELD MANUAL" For years the community has been craving a GI JOE art book… specifically, a card art or packaging art coffee table-style volume. On this episode, we talk not only to the man who is most likely to make it happen, but who is also very much up to the challenge. This man’s name is Jim Sorenson. Mr. Sorenson is an animation historian, archivist, restorer, and enthusiast. If the name doesn’t sound familiar to the GI JOE world, it’s because he’s spent most of his energy up to this point contributing to or writing books on, the animated world of Transformers: The Complete Ark -- http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1600104886?ie=UTF8tag=thar-20linkCode=as2camp=1789creative=9325creativeASIN=1600104886
The AllSpark Almanac 1 -- http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1600104878?ie=UTF8tag=thar-20linkCode=as2camp=1789creative=9325creativeASIN=1600104878
The AllSpark Almanac 2 -- http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1600106838?ie=UTF8tag=thar-20linkCode=as2camp=1789creative=390957creativeASIN=1600106838
But now… NOW he’s set his sights on GI JOE with the “GI JOE FIELD MANUAL”… a book that compiles the production artwork for the Sunbow GI JOE animated series!!!! Coming out through IDW in the same vein as his previous Transformers Ark books listed above, the “GI JOE FIELD MANUAL” is a first-of-its-kind for GI JOE. And if it does well (read as: BUY THIS BOOK)… it doesn’t have to be the last! Not a fan of the Sunbow cartoon? That’s pretty inconsequential in regards to this book. The art and designs for Sunbow are just as responsible as anything else for shaping the GI JOE universe that we’ve come to know and love over the past 30 years, especially when stripped of its final, often campy, fully animated form. Not only that but there are things in this book alone which have never been brought to light before. Things like the image Mr. Sorenson shared with us for this episode (click the following link) which seems related to the origins of the creation for the character of Duke: http://www.joedeclassified.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=459&sid=5032f1ceab82742b39421f62e7363c65
Mr. Sorenson not only talks to us about his previous books and this current book he is working on... but he also takes us deep inside his process, from hunting down source material to what it.

Monday Jul 10, 2017
JoeDeclassified Archives: Episode 2 Toy Fair 2012
Monday Jul 10, 2017
Monday Jul 10, 2017
114 minutes · Originally Aired Mar 1, 2012
TOY FAIR + the origins of Retaliation Night-Viper and Crimson Guard. We are joined by Joe Declassified Owner SAM "Nomad" DAMON!
Episode Info
Ep2: Toy Fair has come and gone. But the community is still firmly locked onto the GI JOE reveals from a few weeks ago. “Articulation Loss” continues to cause quite the ruckus. But with offerings like Joe Colton, Blind Master, Cobra Trooper, and Zartan… it seems the Retaliation line will be just as invigorating and nutritious as it will be frustrating and noxious to adult collectors who believe certain elements of the line are quite literally a step back (if not worse), in some regards, for a brand that has always seemed to look forward and push the boundaries. So the Declassified team takes on these Toy Fair reveals wave by wave and figure by figure utilizing GeneralsJoes.com’s Retaliation Toy SuperPage for reference. And the Declassified team is not necessarily in agreement with each other over a few of the offerings. Friendships are tested, hearts are torn, and virtual fists fly…. (no, not really). The team IS, however, joined by a surprise guest!!!!!!! JoeDeclassified owner and visionary, Sam “Nomad” Damon… who shares a little secret about the Retaliation Wave 5 Night Viper and Crimson Guard. What they really are and how they most likely came to be in the Retaliation line. What are Night Viper and Crimson Guard? Where have we seen those motorcycles before? Zebras, Ninja Turtles, and clones OH MY! Welcome to Joe Declassified: SPEC-OPS. Find us on iTunes (search: jdso) Find us on Stitcher (search: Declassified) Find us on the web: JoeDeclassified.com
Ep2 Hosts: Sam Damon (Nomad), Gary Head (Gyre-Viper), Pat Stewart (notpicard), Jay Hunger (Smokescreen), Gary Godsoe (cmderinchief), James M. Kavanaugh, Jr (KuuKuuSon), Mike Irizarry (Beachhead), Josh Carlson (Roshan), and Jared Bunnell (Jaimanstone). Intro: Moira Hunger (Mo Order) Intro/Outro Song: Gemini “Destiny” used with permission (Beta Recordings).

Monday Jul 10, 2017
JoeDeclassified Archives: JDSO PILOT - EP 1 COBRA ISLAND
Monday Jul 10, 2017
Monday Jul 10, 2017
The original pilot episode of the JoeDeclassified podcast.
Originally Aired Feb 23, 2012
73 minutes
Episode Info
Unproduced Cobra Island Play Set revealed!
Show notes along with pics - http://www.joedeclassified.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=457

Friday Jun 02, 2017
JoeDeclassified Archives: Episode 9 Guy Cassiday + Vehicle Design-Part 1
Friday Jun 02, 2017
Friday Jun 02, 2017
Originally Aired Apr 4, 2014 · 82 minutes
Episode Info
IMPORTANT: Some of the images for this episode can be found at http://joedeclassified.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=20t=665 and some of the images for this episode can be found here: http://cobra788.blogspot.com/ 50 years ago, we recorded our first episode of JDSO in which we introduced you to the unproduced Cobra Island Playset. And now, for our 9th episode, Joe Declassified teams up with Kevin Watts of Cobra788.blogspot.com to bring you the man who designed that Cobra Island play set, the absolute mastermind behind some of the largest, most iconic GI JOE vehicles ever: the legendary, MR. GUY CASSADAY. On this episode of Joe Declassified: SPEC-OPS, Guy Cassaday takes us through the pre-production origins, processes, and anecdotes behind his designs, including the fearless Conquest, the mammoth Mobile Command Center, the sneaky Coastal Defender, the epic Rolling Thunder, the intimidating General, and the unproduced, deadly Cobra Sub. Yes. You read that correctly. COBRA. SUB. But why stop there?? Guy also talks to us a bit about the Defiant and the Persuader. Also in the show notes we’ve got images of the unproduced ANVIL vehicle. Yeah, we’ve never seen it before, either. All this and more on this first of a TWO PART interview, with one of the most revered and celebrated GI JOE vehicle designers of all time. Welcome to the Hidden World of GI JOE.

Friday Jun 02, 2017
JoeDeclassifed Archives: Episode 8 G Wayne Miller + Toy Wars
Friday Jun 02, 2017
Friday Jun 02, 2017
57 minutes · Originally Aired Jan 12, 2013
Episode Info
We had some recurring and unforeseen sound/tech issues throughout, but otherwise this is an absolutely exciting interview and we hope you enjoy listening to it as much as we had recording it! We’d like to extend an enormous thank you to G. Wayne Miller for time travelling with us!! The images for this episode can be found here: http://joedeclassified.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=20t=608start=0 For some of you, our guest needs no introduction. For the rest of you, author G. Wayne Miller was given full access (and then some) to Hasbro in the 90’s and some limited access to Mattel. His mission: to document and decipher the eras and empires of toy making and toy marketing. The result was a book called Toy Wars: The Epic Struggle Between G.I. Joe, Barbie, and the Companies That Make Them. On this episode of JDSO, Jaimanstone (who made this episode happen) and Gyre-Viper sit down with G. Wayne Miller, who revisits his time at Hasbro: the stories, the people, and the ideals. He even reads some excerpts from his book and then shows us the coolest damn shoes never made. He even goes so far as to share with us his insights into current day and future Hasbro as he sees it. This is the history of the future of GI JOE. Welcome to Joe Declassified: SPEC-OPS.

Friday Jun 02, 2017
JoeDeclassifed Archives: Episode 7 Deserts and Dinosaurs
Friday Jun 02, 2017
Friday Jun 02, 2017
87 minutes · Originally Aired Dec 13, 2012
Episode Info
Joined by Joe Declassified phantom bigwig, Jason wells aka VIPER109... we take you on a multi-line, multi-era adventure, embarking not only through the deserted history of GI JOE, as Mr. Wells brings the depth on the unproduced, highly coveted Desert Headquarters figures... but we also journey through some mid-Mesozoic mysteries, unearthed by notpicard and Gyre-Viper, via some overseas paleontology. It doesn't stop there as we identify the many non-Joe lines that reuse GI JOE parts (and sometimes vice versa), while nova puts on a bunny suit and hands out easter eggs. It's hidden world meets lost world, with over 80 images to accompany this episode. Here is a link to the images for this episode: http://joedeclassified.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=20t=602start=0

Friday Jun 02, 2017
JoeDeclassifed Archives: Episode 6 Variation Awareness
Friday Jun 02, 2017
Friday Jun 02, 2017
140 minutes · Originally Aired Aug 6, 2012
Episode Info
The Joe Declassified: SPEC-OPS Team is joined by some very special guests... the mighty pluv of JoeCustoms.com and the one and only Leonardo T Dragon of JoeBattlelines.com// For this episode we take on a hefty helping of variations and errors from the revered vaults of Pat "notpicard" Stewart. Pat takes us through his categorizing process of what falls into variant and what gets marked an error and how that all fits into his work on YoJoe.com and around the community. We also give the yet to be released discount repaints a quick once over... sort of gathering our thoughts on what they are, what they mean, and what they might be telling us about the future of the brand. And to top it all off... Pat speaks to the functionality of YoJoe.com's legendary archives... its achievements, criticisms, and everything in between. You can find the images referenced in the episode here: http://joedeclassified.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=20t=579 The links to the right will take you to the Joe Declassified site and forum.

Monday Mar 13, 2017
NJCC Boss Fight Interview
Monday Mar 13, 2017
Monday Mar 13, 2017
Dan aka The Spectre interviews Boss Fight Studio's Dave Proctor at the New Jersey Collectors Convention about the newly revealed customizer blind bags and the Fantasy Series Reveals.
Show Notes: http://www.joecustoms.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=114&t=45647

Saturday Mar 04, 2017
JoeCon 2016
Saturday Mar 04, 2017
Saturday Mar 04, 2017
All Show Notes can be found here: http://www.joecustoms.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=125&t=45615

Monday Apr 25, 2016
Episode 25: Skypemare on Boss Fight Street
Monday Apr 25, 2016
Monday Apr 25, 2016
Show notes can be found here: http://www.joecustoms.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=114&t=44514

Monday Feb 29, 2016
2015 JoeCustoms Awards
Monday Feb 29, 2016
Monday Feb 29, 2016
Dan aka The Spectre
Aaron aka bucky
pluv aka John
Dennis aka drbindy
Jeff aka JoeMichaels70
JCA categories and links can be found here: http://www.joecustoms.com/features/jcas/jcas.php?y=2015

Monday Feb 15, 2016
Episode 24: Happy...Presidents Day?
Monday Feb 15, 2016
Monday Feb 15, 2016
Show Notes with extra pics can be found here - http://www.joecustoms.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=114&t=44143